Setting up emulation

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First, begin by downloading WinUAE, either the installer or zip should work fine. After you launch WinUAE, you should see an error message. Continue and you should see a window like this

Once you're here, on the sidebar select the Paths tab, you should now see a screen with a bunch of different paths to different folders. Select the 'System ROMs' path, then copy and paste it into File Explorer. Here is where you will copy and paste over your Kickstart ROM.

After that, go back to WinUAE, click 'Rescan ROMs' and you should see 'A500+' as one of the scanned ROMs.

Then, in whatever order, set the Emulation settings accordingly:

Optionally, you can save this as a Configuration if you don't want to bother inputting everything again.


Now, you can press OK to start the Emulation. If you did everything right, you should see a command prompt open up in the emulated window, and after a few seconds Prevue should be booting.

SIDE-NOTE: If you have your host's date set to December 13, cached listings from the disk should start rolling in.

You should get somewhere if in a couple of seconds, the info screen goes away and a clock shows up. You will probably also get ER007, which means that there's no incoming listings. Why don't we fix that?.

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