Creating listings using PrevueCLI

This guide will teach you how to use PrevueCLI for generating listings. This is a command-line utility created by AriX allowing the ability to send UVSG/Prevue serial commands over TCP/IP. You can find more information about said software on its wiki page.

This program has currently been compiled for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and its source code can be found here. Regardless, there are a couple things to take into consideration:

Downloading listings w/ Zap2xml

Since release 2.0, PrevueCLI allows you to convert XMLTV-formatted files to listings. I find this easier to do than manually inputting the listings yourself. Of course, in order to do this, you'll need some way to grab listings. While Schedules Direct is one way to go, the easiest method I know of so far is zap2xml, and as such will be used for this guide.

Zap2xml is another command-line utility that scrapes listings from or (unsure if it still works anymore) and compiles it to XMLTV. You can either find it as an EXE or a Perl script on its official website.

If you're willing to use this method, you will also need to make a Zap2it account. It's fairly easy and simple to do, as currently it requires no activation.

Download zap2xml if you haven't already. Now, open up a command-line window and change the directory (cd) over to wherever you downloaded it.

Now, enter the following:

  zap2xml -u user@email.??? -p password  
(whereas user@email.??? is your email and password is your password)

Once you've entered those commands, it should now try and log in with the information, then it tries to grab every listing on your selected provider and parses it into an XML file. Keep the location in mind.

Downloading listings w/ mc2xml

In the event that you don't want to go through the trouble of making a Zap2it account, want to download international listings, or want to use a different service, give mc2xml a try. Not only does it have Zap2it support (not to mention it doesn't require an account to grab listings), but it also has support for various other sources of program listings:

Instructions for each can be found on their website.

This program is both operable through the command-line or via a graphical interface, and supports Windows, Linux, and macOS.

To get started, go to their website and download the specific version for your operating system. Once it's done, run it. (if you're using Windows and prefer the GUI over CLI.) Once opened, two windows will appear: a command-prompt and the GUI:

Pick the particular service you want to get listings from. For this part I'll grab listings from as an example.

Optionally, you can pick any of 5 options before you get the desired listings:

Once ready, click OK to finish. It will now try and connect to the chosen service.
NOTE: This will also generate an mc2xml.dat file in the same folder, which'll make the chosen service the default. The only way to pick another service is to delete said file.

Another window should appear, containing a selection of different lineups.

Pick your desired listing and click OK (or double-click). It will now download the listings and save it as 'xmltv.xml.'

Convert the xmltv file to listings

After you've downloaded PrevueCLI, extract it to a folder, and go into said folder (might need to click twice). First, make a folder where the listings will be dumped and paste your xmltv.xml file into the main folder. First, open a command prompt and navigate into the directory. Then enter the following command:

  PrevueCLI convertXMLTVToListings xmltv.xml ./listings 999   (whereas 999 is the maximum amount of channels you want to show. Keep this value to 64 or less if you are using EPG Jr.)
NOTE: If you get a message that says An error occurred: cannotOpenFile, check and see if the folder exists.

Once finished, you should now go back into the folder with your file manager and open Test.prevuecommand with the text editor of your choice.

One thing you should probably do first is change the port under TCPDataDestinationto '1234'. Optionally, you can remove the # from the NewLookConfigurationCommand, there you can change 'grid' to 'scroll' (ZIP archive only) if you want to load up listings in a similar way to the old Prevue Guide software (1988-93).

Now, scroll down to the bottom and look for a line starting with - ListingsCommand. Change the directory listed next to channelsFilePath and programsFilePath to the location of the aformentioned listings folder you made. Keep the .csv, though.
NOTE: If you plan to use PC Prevue (or EPG Jr.), please set omitSpecialCharacters to true. (If you are using EPG Jr., make sure forAtari is also set to true.

If done correctly, you should've went from channelsFilePath: "Sample Listings/channels.csv", programsFilePath: "Sample Listings/programs.csv", to channelsFilePath: "listings/channels.csv", programsFilePath: "listings/programs.csv",

(whereas listings is the folder name)

Now save the file.


If you're looking to send listings to the Amiga, click here.

If you're looking to send listings to PC Prevue, click here.
NOTE: This part is still being worked on. In the meantime, continue here if you're using DOSBox.

If you're looking to send listings to EPG Jr., click here.
NOTE: Atari800 emulator only.

Brought to you by PajamaFrix and the Prevue Guide Forums. Copyright 2020. Prevue Networks is a former trademark of TiVo inc.