dream log
retellings of dreams i was able to remember
featured dream

I was playing Minecraft, exploring the world of an old defunct server I used to frequent during the mid-to-late 2010s, until I came across a massive voxelized statue of a toilet without a lid, along with a purple-haired girl kneeling behind it with a speech bubble containing “Get on.” next to her head. Then, I suddenly got reminded of a memory from late-2014 of me coming across that exact same build on the same server.
Not too long after having this dream, I would actually build this in Minecraft according to how I remembered it. Later I also turned her into an actual character of mine.
Nov 16 | I dreamt that I was on the top level of some kind of residential building (either a house or an apartment complex) near a school or college (I went outside earlier in the dream and could see a lot of people leaving at a specific time, likely around lunch time.) Outside one of the side windows on the highest level (where I was at the time of this happening) I could spot what seemed like an abandoned general store/gas station not too far where I was located. I went outside and went near it to get a closer look. The entire store was left to the elements, and although a lot of the signage was mostly still intact, a lot of the exterior was rotting away. The associated gas station was nowhere in sight, likely dismantled and removed from the site years ago, so all that remained was the store. A few doors and windows were barricaded with wood, though a lot of boards were ripped off or not installed, revealing mostly shattered glass. The interior seemed to have various equipment, decor, and shelves pushed around and damaged. Any items left behind were likely destroyed or rotting away (I only glanced into the destruction from outside, I didn't want to get any closer.) |
Sep 16 | I had a dream that there was a workprint of the 2007 movie Ratatouille that leaked online and included there was a frame of the THX Tex trailer where Tex was not cut out properly and my friend SoraThePanFloof made a tweet about it. |
Aug 20 | I went to see a movie at a local cinema at the same time with some class from a school or somewhere. near the end i pulled out my phone to take a picture of the emptied auditorium, but the preinstalled camera app kept preventing me. After further research, it seemed that there was a new iOS update that “prevented photography or video recording whilst at a movie theater to circumvent piracy”, especially considering when I exited the theatre, the camera app would take pictures just fine. |
Jun 14 | I had a dream where i made a fake camera-recorded leak of Hotel Mario for the Game Boy Advance and the vtech V-Smile (of all things). |
Nov 21 | dream one: I was at my grandparents house and I was messing with a Gateway laptop they had running Windows Vista with DOSBox installed. There, I was interfacing with a modem I found around their house. I boot up a virtual environment with Windows 3.1 and attempted to connect to the defunct Prodigy internet service provider. After several attempts to connect, I heard some “your call could not be completed” messages followed by an AT&T message telling you that “you still have not proceeded to complete the switch from a cable subscription to a landline subscription” and demanded you go to their website for more information, with said message being heavily distorted, clipping and barely audible over failed modem handshakes. I couldn't seem to turn it down unless I unplugged the modem (either from the wall or the computer), however before I could I woke myself up, going right back to bed not too long after. dream two: Looking around YouTube, I had learned that somebody was planning to leak a build of Minecraft (Beta) that had never been released along with its source code, leading me to apparently look through some old OBS recordings of me playing minecraft with friends. i found one from around 2020-ish that I didn't remember recording but had me building a sculpture of the webtoon ‘ENA’ in an old server of mine. |
Oct 31 | dreamt that there was a new iOS update that allowed the end user to change the user interface to resemble earlier versions of iOS. also went to a small family house party since it was halloween. |
Sep 19 | i took a trip to poland and stopped by an arcade. i was also completely stuck there. |
Jun 29 | dream one: i was given a school assignment relating to 20th century fox's home entertainment division. dream two: i joined a survival minecraft server, tried to progress, and immediately got my ass handed to me. |
Jun 22 | I kept waking up on-and-off every two hours, so I had multiple dreams that night. Of all of the dreams, I was only able to remember the details of one (that being the second one.) It consisted of me watching a Paid Programming infomercial for America Online 7.0 of all things. Like with most others, it showed the consumer what AOL was, how to hook it up, and a sample of what all you could find on there. As somebody who grew up looking at stuff like that, it honestly felt very nostalgic. |
Jun 13 | dream one: I had a frozen piece of cake or something with a little bit of pepsi at the bottom that i didn't know until a bit into doing so that it was apparently laced with alcohol, there was just enough of an opening for me to try and slowly pour it down, and eventually i think i got drunk or something. dream two: i was driving somewhere with track 14 from the earlier incarnation of weatherscan playing in my head. dream three: one of my twitter pals hosted a creative minecraft server and i joined it. it was massive (just as if not more massive than frixcraft is) and had a bunch of sculptures, mostly built as fanart for that artist. I remember building something but unfortunately the exact specifics have left me. |
May 24 | I went to go see a movie rerun at one of our theaters. I remember the cinema was packed and the cinema just used the film copy instead of projecting it digitally. I also remember a friend handing me two bootleg DVDs, one of them being the Jim Carrey Grinch movie, the other the movie we were about to see. I assume that thought that i would make an illegal cam of the movie we were about to watch so they handed it to me to get an idea. I just sat back and watched the film. |
Mar 5 |
![]() I was playing Minecraft, exploring the world of an old defunct server I used to frequent during the mid-to-late 2010s, until I came across a massive voxelized statue of a toilet without a lid, along with a purple-haired girl kneeling behind it with a speech bubble containing “Get on.” next to her head. Then, I suddenly got reminded of a memory from late-2014 of me coming across that exact same build on the same server. Not too long after having this dream, I would actually build this in Minecraft according to how I remembered it. Later I also turned her into an actual character of mine. |
Feb 18 | saw myself walking around a seemingly empty and abandoned indoor mall, the walls were tiles that seemed faded, there was a bunch of audible air conditioning, a huge fountain near the middle that was still apparently running, and only one store still open: a hy-vee (local midwest grocery store chain) location with a heavily decaying sign. there was also the scars/remains of where a dollar tree sign used to be on one of the empty stores. (with fiberglass insulation peeping out of where the sign used to be.) i also happened to be the only person in there. all i heard was the ambiance of fluroescent light buzzing and a distinct local radio station with intense reverb. |
Feb 15 | i watched an episode of OK KO that introduced two different characters for exactly one episode only |
Feb 5 | all i could recall was that time was going by really fast, a bit into the dream the time skipped all the way to december, a little bit before 2023 hit. |
Feb 4 | i was riding home from school on a dark, cloudy evening, and was checking my discord server list on my phone, then i see a few of my friends (same batch from the previous dream, plus a few more) were in a voice call and i hopped in. one of them was laughing very hard at a strange gif of hugh neutron from 'the adventures of jimmy neutron'. |
Jan 16 | i woke up really early and joined a call with four of my friends where we just looked at files on our drives and previous computers. |
Jan 6 | There was a NOAA Weather Radio station that was located in some kind of submarine that had to be loaded in the ocean to operate. One day, I tuned in only to hear that the station was having issues. I later learned that, in order for it to be fixed, they needed to cease the transmission and get it back onto land to repair it. For some reason, it also had the DECtalk ‘perfect paul’ voice when the station was offline, instead of the VoiceText text-to-speech system that they use currently or a pre-recorded loop with actual voices. |
Jan 1 | I had a dream that I was watching ‘Fred: The Series’ on Nickelodeon (based on the internet personality with the same name) where there was an episode about Fred having a nightmare about him flunking school for some reason and his father (surprisingly not played by John Cena, but George Lopez of all people) was upset. except before the episode showed his anger there was a skit where he came home from work, got cereal, showed the viewer how he makes cereal (i fondly remember one point where he just looks at the camera and recommends milk to make cereal taste better). then the entire episode is about fred doing school work and something like that i don't remember anymore. |
Dec 31 | i was playing on the “official” eddsworld minecraft server (doesn't even exist lol), went to bed (within a dream, i know) and woke up the next day with a headache that led me to stay home from school. |
Sep 21 | i dreamt that the VCR i was using at the time (JVC HR-S3500U) suddenly started rejecting tapes, and every tape that would get ejected would have the tape chewed up. ironically, something like this would begin to happen with the same VCR about a year after I had this dream. |
Jun 6 | I stopped by a thrift store that took the place of a former local retail store. It was connected to a really strange and somewhat empty grocery store and had a very small retro video game section in the corner. I found both a slim PlayStation 2 and a PSone that locked up after starting up and seemed to remain on even after unplugging them. |
May 16 | I was going through Discord servers then suddenly unearthed an old server that I used to be in somehow still in the list. I hopped into a voice call and talked to an old friend about wayside (the television series based on the book series) and various other things. i looked through the messages and had a burst of nostalgia hit me seeing messages from former friends of his getting after him, considering he got in trouble around a period of time. |
Apr 12 | I was at a thrift store (possibly a Goodwill) and found a bunch of old technology and a shit ton of blank tapes. When I first walked in, I fittingly heard 'eBay’ by ‘Weird’ Al Yankovic play over the radio system. It honestly felt too real until I woke up and realized it was all a dream. |
Nov 5 | I was at my old house cleaning my room and listening to a weather radio. At some point, two emergency alert system tests were sent out. One just happened and ended fairly quickly, but then about 2 minutes later, they issue another one, however this time the audio gets all echo-y, with a bunch of radio stations in the background relaying the same message. |
Sep 18 | I found some telecine of a 35mm ad on YouTube featuring 19/2000 by Gorillaz as it's background track. What I thought was more interesting was that it seemed to be a recording from a cable box, as a few seconds of the beginning were skipped and instead showed a black screen with show information at the bottom. |
Sep 17 |
![]() i was watching south park on comedy central in glorious 4:3 (no clue why, considering they air the “remastered” versions nowadays), when suddenly the episode they were playing started to have some massive signal degredation, to the point where they brought up a bunch of technical difficulty slides. although the majority of them were standard SMPTE color bars, it concluded with one featuring the UPN screen bug in the lower left corner of the screen on a cloudy background with text announcing technical difficulties. moments later, a british voiceover came on and announced that they had accidentally aired the wrong episode of south park and that they were working to correct the issue, followed by whatever episode was scheduled for that day to play. |
Aug 25 | First began with me being out and about somewhere, second part had me accidentally tripping and throwing a water bottle beneath my desk, hitting the left side where my computer resided and somehow combusting, causing my computer to abruptly shut off. After a couple of minutes of panicking and cleaning the computer, I was able to get it back on, however the computer suddenly thought it was a laptop, showing a battery icon in the taskbar and said it was charging at 50%. |
Jul 14 | I had a dream about a THX parody I found and scared me. I initially found it in some video where some guy explores the deep web, discovering the video however the volume was absolutely distorted, however eventually I stumbled upon the source and watched it myself without the loud volume. It started in a similar fashion to the first Tex trailer, however before Tex takes off to fix the logo, one of the robots from the movie Wall-E (don't remember which one) came in. Shortly after that, Tex's hat suddenly lifts off with a bunch of metalic hands coming out, leading the other robot to take the mallet from Tex's hand and bashes him until he passes out, which is where the video ends. |
Jul 7 | had a dream where I was eating at an outdoor Panera Bread I dreamt about around 2007-08. (not listed as i don't have an exact date) |
Jun 29 |
![]() I had a dream about the 21st installment of Evaporate, a web series consisting of otherwise strange animations and creations inspired by dreams its creator has experienced (pretty meta, I know.) All that I remember is that one of my characters was there standing outside of a low-poly 3D house. Not too long after, the real 21st episode was released, however it was nothing like what was in the dream. |
Jun 6 | me and a few kids at school were given an assignment to make a commercial of our own, and we used one of those VHS-C camcorders for a camera. |
Apr 10 | i stop by an apparently new cinema in my local area to apparently see a new ‘austin powers’ movie. all i know is that the dream suddenly ended with me saying “wait, we're supposed to be on lockdown!”. |
Mar 8 | i got my hands on a non-existent ‘GPD Win’ handheld computer that very loosely resembled the OQO model 02. later on in the dream I don't remember what I did, but the screen managed to fall off. |
Feb 28 | i was in a voice call in a discord server with some friends, live showing some random youtube thumbnails before being suddenly ejected from the call without warning. |
Feb 5 | I was heading home from somewhere listening to some SiriusXM radio station, when suddenly Space Cube - Session came on. |
Jan 6 | i got to guest star in a collaborative music video for Never Gonna Give You Up recorded entirely within minecraft. i remember it being one continuous camera shot with multiple things going on in the background |
Dec 14 | I was leaving a local Wal-Mart, when I took notice of a small arcade section up near the entrance/exit of the store. One of the cabinets i notice was a Dance Dance Revolution cabinet with the screen powered off. Since most cabinet's lights were continuously lit (including the ‘dance pad’), I went up to it and stepped on one of the arrows, and the screen suddenly popped on with a Windows XP installation screen, saying it had about 60 minutes left of installation, and stuck on the first stage of setup. |
Dec 6 | I happened to dream about a 2000s-styled amateur 3D animation reel I made, starting with a parody of the 20th Century Fox logo, then cutting to one of my characters climbing up a ladder in a smoky environment, and finally ending with a Universal Studios parody. |