PC Prevue Tutorial

Since late-2020, it has been possible to emulate PC Prevue, the third major revision of (although seemingly offered as an alternative to) the Prevue Channel software.

This guide is meant as an overall tutorial for setting up PC Prevue on virtualized and physical environments. In addition, I wrote a tutorial for getting it set up in DOSBox(-X), while tobskep contributed a tutorial for settoing it up with QEMU.


Installing PC Prevue

Assuming you already know have an environment (virtual or otherwise) to run PC Prevue, installing is very straightforward. There are a few different installer packages available:

Once downloaded, extract, put onto your virtual environment or whatever, and click install.bat (run as administrator in newer Windows versions). It should put everything where it needs to be.

Before you can start PC Prevue, you might see an error upon startup:

An error message reading "The BaseBand Port could not be opened. Check the BaseBand group in the PCEPGSYS.INI file for Port conflicts."

PC Prevue receives data over serial, therefore requiring a serial port to start the software whatsoever. All accessible ports are defined within pcepgsys.ini. In particular, you are looking for the BaseBand section:

[BaseBand]                  ; Config parameters for the BaseBand device

Depending on your computer’s configuration, you might need to modify the value of CommPort before you can launch PC Prevue.

To view a list of serial ports in Windows:

Once you have identified an available COM port, go back to the pcepgsys.ini file and change CommPort to the number of your specified COM port. When done, save the file.

From there, you should be able to launch PC Prevue successfully.

Receiving listings

I already wrote guides for various programs and utilities (currently only PrevueCLI) to provide the Prevue Channel software with data, as this section assumes you have the software and data you want to use prepared.

The first thing you will see upon starting up PC Prevue (if you get into the software without the port error) is “No data. Call for download.” within the grid.

Sending listings from another machine (or your host OS to a guest OS) is simple. All you need is a serial port (or adapter) and a serial cable (unless you are virtualizing).

If you are virtualizing PC Prevue, you may need to make some modifications to your virtual machine’s configuration to get data over:

VirtualBox: Serial settings are accesible within the virtual machine’s settings window.

VMware: First, make sure all VMware software is closed. Then, add the following lines to your virtual machine’s .vmx file:

serial0.startConnected = "TRUE" <br/>
serial0.fileType = "pipe" <br/>
serial0.fileName = "/tmp/serial2" <br/>
serial0.tryNoRxLoss = "TRUE" <br/>
serial0.present = "TRUE" <br/>

(you may need to replace the number in serial0.fileName with a different port depending on setup.)

Save the file, then relaunch VMware.

QEMU: In your QEMU command, add a line utilizing the -serial option:

qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -serial telnet:localhost:4321,server,nowait \

DOSBox: Under the serial section of your DOSBox configuration, change the dummy value under serial2 to nullmodem port:1234.

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