entries from 2018

murry frix-mas Dec 25, 18

ANSI art of a christmas tree. Text besides it read “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from PajamaFrix!”

ho ho ho hello.

thought I might as well stop by and say hello. not really:

what's new with me?

The video linked here is no longer available.

was able to get my hands on a new emergency alert encoder/decoder (endec), so that's fun.

I also got a new capture device. I made some more videos on my secondary YouTube channel, and that's about it.

welcome Dec 03, 18

hello there and welcome back!

you've probably noticed that the website looks completely different, and we're on a new domain.

you may have noticed this, but the site looks way different than before, while still retaining its 1990s vintage geocities-looking aspect of the site. (fun fact: i actually started working on the new design during early 2018 and was planning to add it to the old domain.)

I figured if I'm going to revamp the design, i might as well finish the pages I never finished working on, specifically the “projects” page, which hasn't been updated at all.